Reconstructive Dentistry

Reconstructive dentistry may involve the construction of new teeth with a composite material, repairing or rebuilding bridges, or creating implants where teeth are missing. Sometimes, reconstructive dentistry is necessary to support and prevent damage to teeth that are intact and properly functioning. Full mouth reconstruction is the most extreme example of reconstructive dentistry and is sometimes foregone for a set of dentures

Call (702)240-9200 for your free consultation and we’ll discuss your goals and options with Reconstructive Dentistry. We look forward to meeting you and answering all your questions about your new smile

Reconstructive Dentistry Includes:

Dental Implants:

an ideal solution for patients missing teeth. Implants are permanently set in the jaw and affixed with replacement teeth, preventing painful shifting in the mouth

Dental Crowns:

when a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, dental crowns act as a protective cover, strengthening the tooth and reinforcing the jaw.

Dental Bridges:

for one or more missing teeth, dental bridges literally “bridge the gap” between remaining teeth, stabilizing the jaw by surrounding those teeth with attractive crowns.


replacing one or more teeth is easier than ever before with the multitude of denture alternatives available to patients. Dentures are now more comfortable and affordable than ever before

Root Canal:

infected tissues in the tooth pulp can cause severe pain and eventually lead to tooth loss. Root canal therapy is designed to remove infected tissue with the goal of saving the tooth

Gum Disease :

periodontal disease is characterized by swollen, tender, or bleeding gums. Both early and advanced periodontal disease can be treated with both surgical and non-surgical therapy

TMJ Disorders:

a misaligned bite, bruxism (teeth grinding), and other factors can put stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). TMJ disorders can be the source of a variety of painful symptoms, from headaches to ear and neck pain

Full-Mouth Reconstruction:

patients with severe dental problems often require a full-mouth reconstruction. Reconstructions often draw on both cosmetic and restorative dentistry solutions to improve the health, function, and appearance of the smile